
December starts Saturday

Jennifer and I will be at the Glenwood Holiday Bazaar.  It's a great event with Music, Food and great local crafters selling their wonderful creations.  Come on out to the Glenwood Recreation Center and say HEY !!!!



 Saturday, November 17th
K'ville Indie Flea
10 - 4
*In Musten & Crutchfield Parking Lot
245 N. Main Street


Saturday, November 10th
8am - 3pm
S. Elm Baptist Church
Jennifer and I will be here in the morning to take care of your soap needs. 
 I have two new soaps that have too be smelled. 
 Harvest Delight and Oat Mintyhemp are ready to go home to your shower.  They will also have soup lunches just for you to enjoy.  
Help support Operation Christmas Child and
 ShopLocal with some great local crafters.


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