
June First Friday Indie Market

 You will find me here on Friday.  

Saturday! June 8th
On Saturday I will be at the K'ville Indie Flea Noon till 8pm
We will set up in the Musten & Crutchfield parking lot
245 N Main St
for The Kernersville "Cruise-In".


2013 Glenwood Multicultural Festival

I will be at Glenfest on May18th.  Come and get some soap and enjoy the festivities.  It's going to be a great Saturday afternoon.


May First Friday Indie Market

It's Indie Market Time!
Great Music & Great Vendors
What more could you want on Friday Night in downtown Greensboro?

How about a new bag made from T-Shirts

The newest edition to my "Twisted Tees" line.


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