
Can't make it to Greensboro on Friday.
Then you will find Jennifer and I at the 
Make-A-Wish Asheboro Fun Festival on Saturday. 
 It's a great cause and should be a great time for the kids.  Have some fun and help support some kids wishes.


First Friday Indie Market
June 1st 

Greensboro North Carolina will be the place to be!
Great Handmade items to buy 
and some really awesome people watching.
Kernersville Spring Folly left us........

K'ville Indie Flea this Saturday is supposed to be............



K'ville Indie Flea

Just to let you know I will not be at the 
K'ville Indie Flea till May 19th. 
 The K'ville Indie Flea website 
has me listed as setting up on May 12th.  
Please come out next Saturday and see me.  
I can't wait to see you.


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