
Tick, Tick, Tick goes the clock.

The count down has begun.  4 Days and 22 hours till the Kernersville Spring Folly.  So much to get done before then.  We had a great time at the Herb Fest on Saturday.  The only down side was it was a bit could and I left the heater in the garage.  Can never know for sure what the weather will do in North Carolina.  It looks like it will be a great time on Friday starting at 6pm. 

If you can't make it to Kernersville on Friday head downtown in Greensboro and see my friends at the Indie Market.


Come See Me!

     It's April 21st and I just finished my second show of the season.  It was a beautiful day today.  The rain held off till after 7pm.  Wish I had as many customers as I had chiggers running around but that did not happen.  (Good thing I showered with my Fungus.  No bites for me!)  Some times you just never know how things are going to go.  This was a first time show so it will take time to develop.  At least there was good music.  For those out there that do shows I am sure you have been there also.  Next Saturday will go better.  I will be outside of the Greensboro Curb Market with the Herb Thyme Herb Fest held by the local Herb Guild.  This I did last year for the first time and it went well.  I expect it will be even better this year.  Of course it helps that I am getting more of a following.  Regular customers really make a soap business hum.  So if your in or around Greensboro NC next Saturday come on down to the Curb market and check out all the happenings going on. 
     Now for May 4th and 5th I will be set up at the Kernersville Spring Folly.  I haven't been to Kernersville since November so I am bound to have people looking for me.  Normally I set up at the Indie Flea there but I will be a little further up the road.  My first time at the Spring Folly.  I am pretty excited to do this.  Of course it is always nice to be set up for two days.  By time I am in Kernersville I will have some how managed to get my daughter moved home from ECU.  Last day of finals is May 3rd.  I have a feeling I will be happy to sit still and just talk with customer by that time.  So come on down and chat.


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